The Vermont Association for Middle Level Education (VAMLE) is your school’s resource for research-based, age-appropriate educational programs for students in grades 5-8.
VAMLE Annual Membership Prices
$450 – District/Supervisory Union membership which would include all schools with grades 5-8
$225 – Large Schools with 200+ students in grades 5-8
$115 – Medium Schools with 100+ students in grades 5-8
$85 – Small schools with less than 100 students in grades 5-8
$30 – Personal Membership
Questions? Contact Dave F. Brown, Ed.D., Executive Director-
Benefits of joining VAMLE
Discount for attending Annual VAMLE Conference
Teacher Recognition Awards: Rising Stars (in first 3 years); Master in the Middle (10 years+)
Annual Scholar Leader Dinner to recognize outstanding students
Ability to attend VAMLE Board meetings
E-mail messages to registered users on research, professional development, legislative news
Networking for all middle level educators
Excerpts from the Weekly Field Memo of the Vermont Agency of Education (VT-AOE)
Updates on regional meetings
Special Olympics Vermont-Unified Champion Schools
A World of Difference Institute
Middle Grades Collaborative (MGC) includes UVM, Saint Michael’s College, Northern Vermont University, and Castleton University
Middle Grades Institute, a summer institute for middle level teachers and administrators
Association of Middle Level Education (AMLE)
New England League of Middle Schools (NELMS)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA)
Vermont legislation updates
We hope you will join VAMLE this year!
Thank you!